USP Verified
B-Carotene / CoQ10 / Vitamin E

Audit Guidelines

Why USP Ingredient Verified?

Frost & Sullivan Award

Frost & Sullivan Award

Technical Data


Beta-Carotene Brochure (.PDF)

B-Carotene (cis or trans) (.PDF)



About CoQ10

CoQ10 Toxicology Results (.PDF)

Summary of Science and Marketing Trends (.PDF)

CoQ10 Benchmark(.PDF)

Atorvastatin Decreases CoQ10 blood levels (.PDF)

CoQ10 Facts or Fabrications (.PDF)

Dr. Sinatra History, Functions and Indications of CoQ10 (.PDF)



Lutein Brochure (.PDF)

Lutein Patent (process for isolation and purification of xanthophyll crystals from plant oleoresin)(.PDF)



Lycopene Brochure (.PDF)


Natural Vitamin E / Phytosterol

Natural Vitamin E/ Phytosterol Brochure (.PDF)


Vitamins and Carotenoids

Product Forms (.PDF)

Vegetarian Carotenoids (.PDF)



Zeaxanthin Brochure (.PDF)

Zeaxanthin Patent (method for creating high content food grade zeaxanthin)(.PDF)